
Why does the pope wear trunks in the bath? He doesn’t like to look down on the unemployed.


Did you hear about the gay magician? He vanished with a poof.


Did you hear about the dyslexic pimp……he bought a warehouse.


Mickey Mouse has been thrown out of Disneyland. Not sure, but I heard it had something to do with Muffin the Mule.


Why did the snooker player go to the toilet? To pot the brown.


What’s the difference between erotic and kinky?…..Erotic, you use a feather. Kinky you use the whole chicken.


What’s the difference between a light bulb and a pregnant woman? You can unscrew a light bulb.


What gets longer when pulled, fits between a women’s tits, inserts neatly in a hole and works best when jerked hard? A Seat Belt.


It goes in dry and it comes out wet, the longer it’s in the stronger it gets, it comes out dripping and starts to sag… it’s a Tetley’s tea-bag.


What’s a monkey got in common with a chainsaw? They both shag up trees.

What do Tony Blair and Peter Stringfellow have in common?….They both love bush.


What do you call a man with no arms or legs, playing the piano? Clever Dick.


What’s pink and hard first thing in the morning? The Financial Times Crossword.


A woman went in to a chemist and asked if they sold extra large condoms. “Yes we do. Would you like to buy some?” replied the shop assistant. “No, but do you mind if I wait till somebody does?”


News flash just in… A man flashed at three old ladies sitting on a bench on Clapham common… two had a stroke but the other couldn’t reach.


What is the difference between burnt toast and a pregnant woman? Nothing. In both cases it was taken out too late.


What’s the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMT? You can negotiate with a terrorist.


What’s pink and hard? A pig with a flick knife.


When is a pixie not pixie? When she has her head down an elf’s pants……then she’s a goblin


What’s black and sits at the top of the stairs smoking?
Stephen Hawking in a house fire.

What’s George Michael got in common with a pair of wellies?
Both get sucked off in bogs.


Elton John goes into a chemist.

“Can I have some Vaseline please?” he says to the woman behind the counter.

“Awww, sore lips?” says the woman.

“No dear, it’s for chaps”


What do you call a Serbian prostitute?
Slobadan Micokyabic.


Doctor, I’ve got a strawberry stuck up my arse!
I’ll have to give you some cream for that.


What’s the difference between a woman and a fridge?
A fridge doesn’t fart when you take the meat out.


What do you say to a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing. You’ve already told her twice.


What’s the difference between a buffalo in your airing cupboard and being raped by a heavyweight boxer?
One’s having a bison in your towels, the other’s having a Tyson in your bowels.


There were 2 prozzys sitting by the river on a sunny afternoon.
“It’s going to be a great night tonight I smell cock in the air.”
“Oh sorry that was me I burped.”


What’s long, hard and full of siemen?
A Submarine.



[ドラマ仕立て]イギリス英語のリスニング ――楽しく学ぶ! ロンドン暮らし12か月のストーリー

(2019/5/26 23:48時点)


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